It’s hard enough balancing the needs of your clients and getting a good product ready to go on air, so why take a chance with a voice talent who may or may not be ready or able to deliver.

“A one-take wonder! He has amazing range, and his dulcet tones always ensure a great final product”. – Jack Hackel, Director

David Tyler has been doing commercial voice over for 30 years. His ability to hit his mark and deliver has more and more directors and producers turning to him, especially when they have tight deadlines.

Getting Your Client Noticed

It’s not about reading words off of a page into a microphone to David…it’s about understanding the message, internalizing it and bringing meaning to it for the listener.

It’s been said by others but repeated often by David Tyler that “the audience isn’t listening to what you’re saying, they are listening for what it means for them”. If you’re not helping the audience understand you’re not doing your job as a voice over artist.

David Tyler is ready to work with you and your client to get them noticed by the listener/viewer. It’s not about being louder but more often about being more intimate…connecting with the audience.

To get David working with you click here to find out more.

Book David Tyler for Your Next Project

Quality voice overs with effortless efficiency
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