Has PPM Made Radio Imaging Obsolete?


As PPM (Portable People Meter™) continues it’s roll out in markets all over North America most recently in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Atlanta, Washington DC and Detroit, I think this has become a legitimate question as posed by one of my Canadian clients. At the risk of sounding like a self preservationist the simple answer is no, imaging is just as important as ever!

Putting the subject of ‘reach’ aside for another time, PPM has given us a powerful way to collect listener data in the same way that barcodes revolutionized the way corporations keep track of inventory. However, do you think that Coca Cola stopped putting it’s famous red and white design on it’s, cans, bottles and boxes now that they had a barcode system? Again, the answer is no.

The packaging of your radio station is just as important as it was before.

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