Communicating Through Social Media

Well, I’ve finally gone and done it, I’ve just stepped on to the Twitter stage. After months of considering adding it to my social media network I gave in to the urge. Whether you’re already in it or considering adding social media to your mix of communication devices here are 3 simple rules to remember:

1. Pull, don’t push. Social-media newbies often make the mistake of being too aggressive. Some people might respond to new Twitter followers with a ‘Thanks for following. Visit my Web site for a free … [insert whatever promotional message you’ve seen.].’ Social networks are about conversations that build relationships, not indiscriminate come-ons.

2. Forget about social-network omnipresence. No one expects you to be everywhere, choose the sites frequented by your customers/clients. At minimum, establish a presence at the big three. Think of them this way: LinkedIn is your business suit, Facebook is business casual, and Twitter is the 24/7 ongoing cocktail party.

3. Be yourself. If it’s still available, use your own name as a handle and your headshot as an avatar, even if you’re networking on behalf of your company. I believe that in social media people would rather relate to and build trust with other PEOPLE, rather than brands.

As quickly as social networking  media is developing so are the rules of the game. Making yourself familiar with online protocol will smooth your path to online success.

Join me on LinkedInFacebook and now Twitter.

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