For the convenience of my national and international clients, I have a personal professional voiceover recording facility in my home. I use only broadcast standard software and equipment (see list to the right). If you’d like to listen in on the recording session to give direction that can be arranged using an analog phone patch or through my new DirectXS LIVE service, where you will be able to track the recording session as it happens in better than CD quality simply using your web browser, no expensive software required!

Two-way audio transmission in real time is available by using Source Connect over your high-speed internet connection. If you have an ISDN connection a bridge will be required at nominal cost. Or find a Certified Source Connect studio in your area.

Free Studio Time

There is no charge for studio time, I only bill my talent fee, for materials if required (DAT, CD, Mini-Disc) and overnight delivery charges, if any. Keep in mind that I’m not in the studio business, if you are looking for a recording studio let me know, I can put you in touch with one of many fine full service recording studios and audio post-production houses in the Montréal area or worldwide.

Finished takes are encoded as .MP3, .WAV, AIFF, or .FLAC files and are uploaded to my password protected DirectXS server. Overnight delivery on CD can also be arranged, your project may even qualify for FREE overnight delivery.

About MP3 Files

MP3 files today are the common standard and can be imported into most professional quality audio workstations. When I started delivering MP3 files to clients back in 1996 over the internet, many thought it sounded incredible…and it was! Now, studio pros do it every day!

ISDN Bridges

If you only have ISDN and want to connect to my studio a bridge will be required at nominal cost. An ISDN to Source-Connect bridge can be arranged through one of the following companies:

GLOBECAST: 800-752 8469; 310-845-3939

EDNET: 800-933-3638; 415-274-8800

DIGIFON: 203-254-0869

ISDNbridge.com: 847-859-9519


What is Source-Connect

Source-Connect is a professional studio plug in that is quickly replacing ISDN lines and equipment, a truly revolutionary product. Learn more about Source-Connect or download the demo. If you’re familiar with Source-Connect add David Tyler (davidtyler) to your contacts.

If both ISDN and Source-Connect sessions are out of your budget but you would still like live CD quality audio streamed directly to you ask us about our ‘DirectXS LIVE’ service when you call.




Apple  iMac and Macbook Pro computers

TLM-103, Sennheiser MKH 416,  Microphones

Mackie CR-1604 Mixing Desk

BAE 1073MP Mic Pre-Amp

APHEX Compellor Compressor

Behringer TRUTH B2030A Studio Monitors

WhisperRoom [VIDEO]

Western Digital Hard drives


Pro Tools 10

Ableton Live 8

Reason 4

Kontact 5

Waves Platinum

Speakerphone 2

Kore 2

Source Connect

David Tyler is a Source Connect certified user
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